Dear Family & Friends:
The North Col headwall and the traverse along the Northeast Ridge are two of the most challenging sections in a North side climb of Mt. Everest. The Northeast Ridge is particularly difficult because of altitude (over 28,000 feet), fatigue, weather, distance, dehydration, the 3 major rock buttresses that guard the summit (the First Step, the Second Step and the Third Step) and, most of all, abject fear.
It has been said that successfully navigating the ridge ranks as one of the most formidable accomplishments in the annals of human endurance. More than once while on the ridge, I wondered if I would make it back alive. Eric Simonson once said “I never feel euphoric or elated when I’m up there. Just anxious. It’s like swimming as far out into the ocean as you can, then turning around and wondering if you can make it back.”
Here are some photos of the North Col headwall and the Northeast Ridge:
The North Col Headwall
The Northeast Ridge
Happy Fathers’ Day to all you great Dads out there. Hug your children and tell them how much you love them.
Bill These pictures are beautiful and so real what a trip up as usual we are right with you all the way and looking down can’t believe
Fantastic pictures Bill. My knees are shaking just looking at the route.
Happy Father’s Day to you. Enjoy the day!!
Awesome Pics!!!!
Thanks for sharing those amazing pictures! Happy Father’s Day to you!!!
enjoyed the trip, vicariously…….awesome photos…stomach is churning just viewing them…..thank-you for sharing this wonderful adventure!
Bill, the pictures take my breath away (no pun intended)!! These photographs are like no other–they expose the supreme challenge you face on the Tibetan climb of Mt. Everest. Eric Simonson’s quote and your thoughts are summed up well–abject fear. Each picture brings out another expletive!!!
Father’s Day blessings,
Bill….so thankful you can celebrate Father’s Day today with your family….just seeing these photos combined with your narrative of the summit climb give me the heebie jeebies..and an inkling of the tremendous courage to undertake this monumental climb…..thanking God that He held you securely throughout this challenge.
Man O Man you’re one brave dude. Great accomplishment Bill.
After viewing these photos, I have decided to defer watching Hitchcock’s “Vertigo” this evening.
So much steeper than I was imagining. What an adventure!!!!
Bill, that’s absolutely amazing!!!
Happy Fathers day Bill!
Julian Buitrago
Union, NJ
The “second step” photo made me dizzy, and here I am sitting at my work desk! Congraulations on making it to the summit!
Hi Bill,
Brilliant pictures, thanks so much for posting them!
It looks so very dangerous, and yet SO inviting at the same time… Very glad you made it back alive!
Happy Father’s Day to you as well.
Now, we finally get to see your picture of the three steps!
I have always wondered what they would look like. It shows very clearly what your were up against: DANGER.
The next thing that I still wonder about is how far it between CBS, to IBC to ABC to NORTH COL to Camp 1, 2, 3 and then up each step to the top? Is the distance your walking back and forth about 50 miles or is shorter or longer than that.
Epic pictures Bill! Thanks for sharing the photos and this fantastic adventure.