Dear Family & Friends:

It seems hard to believe but March has arrived, and I am that much closer to liftoff for my 2011 “Moon Shot.” I am counting the days to my return to the Himalayas.

I have never felt stronger physically, mentally or spiritually. Since January, my workouts have moved to 5 days a week. I spend 2-1/2 hours in a health club with a strenuous routine of running and upper and lower body weight and resistance exercises. Saturday, I spend in the local mountains, and Sunday is bike day with Ollie, my loyal Training Partner.

I have significantly reorganized my website, and I invite you to check out the new look. For those of you who wonder why I do this, I have added a collage of my favorite mountain photographs.

My plans and schedule have been complicated by a recent development related to my “part time” legal practice. One of my financial institution clients has asked me to represent it in a high profile case which is headed for the United States Supreme Court. This will require me to prepare and file a brief in the Supreme Court before I leave for Nepal. This will place significant demands on my time for the rest of this month. If I need to delay my departure date, I will do so, but that will place additional stress on my double summit plans. I am confident I can get the brief on file before I leave at the end of this month.

On Saturday, I plan to run a 5K in honor and memory of Chelsea King, and, on Sunday, my friends and I will complete a “Cactus to Clouds” climb from sea level in Palm Springs to the 10,834 foot summit of San Jacinto mountain–a big day.