February 4, 2014
Dear Family & Friends:
If you will be following my North side climb of Mt. Everest this year, you need to watch this 4-minute video, which graphically shows the climbing route. This will give you a great mental picture of where I am when I file expedition reports.
(best to view in full screen mode)
Looks awesome….
I love this video, really puts it into perspective!
Bill, you’re getting to old for this and leaving all of us feeling pretty out of shape!!!
Thank you for sharing the video, you are amazing Bill and I will be following your journey once again.
Bill you are an inspiration, I wish you the very best of luck and God’s Speed. Really looking forward to your post summit blog. Tim K. in the U.K.
Wow Thanks for the amazing tutorial. I’ll be watching your journey and the map will definitely help. Godspeed.
Wow–super video. Thanks for sharing.
I was surprised at how high you got up before needing to put on the crampons.
Amazing! Thank you for sharing this video. I wish you all the best and good luck! I will be watching your journey! My dream has always been to trek to Base Camp Everest…
Get map of the journey!
We wish you all the best of health, weather, and solid judgment, Bill! Can’t wait to follow along, once more.