My New Website

My New Website

Costa Mesa, Ca. February 22, 2013 Dear Family & Friends: I am excited about the launch of the overhaul of my website.  I hope you like it. Here are some of the new features: the short video clip on my Home page my blog, now subdivided by adventure...
Upcoming Programs

Upcoming Programs

Costa Mesa, Ca. January 4, 2013 Dear Family & Friends: Here is a list of upcoming programs in which I will feature my climbing equipment and some dramatic photos and video of my 2012 expedition on Mt. Everest, climbing from both the South and North sides of the...
My Holiday Wish for The New Year

My Holiday Wish for The New Year

Costa Mesa, Ca. December 28, 2012 Dear Family & Friends: During the darkest days of World War II, King George VI came to the microphone of the BBC to deliver the annual Christmas message to the British Commonwealth.  He spoke these eloquent and immortal words: And...
Ollie Update & Miscellaneous News

Ollie Update & Miscellaneous News

August 22, 2012 Costa Mesa, Ca. Dear Family & Friends: Some of you have inquired about my Training Partner, Ollie. Ollie is doing well, although the episodes persist as part of his daily living. He has learned to adopt to his “new normal,” but he never...
Thanks for the Votes

Thanks for the Votes

Family & Friends: Thanks to all of you, Sky Pediatric Therapy garnered the necessary 250 votes to qualify for consideration of the small business grant. Thanks so much for supporting this great therapy provider. Let’s hope they win the grant....
Help for Sky Therapy

Help for Sky Therapy

Dear Family & Friends: I normally do not use my website to support commercial enterprises. I have decided to make an exception in this case. Sky Pediatric Therapy is seeking a $250,000 small business grant from Chase Bank/Social Living in order to expand services...