Back at Advanced Base Camp Audio

Back at Advanced Base Camp Audio

Follow Bill’s progress in 3D. View the tracking map to see the journey so far and instructions on how to see Bill’s track. Audio transcript: “Hello everyone, it’s Bill Burke. I’m calling from Advanced Base Camp. I have to start with a...
Finally heard from Bill

Finally heard from Bill

Bill just called from Camp 3.  He made it to the “second step”, about 4 hours from the summit and turned around.  He said the weather was horrible, wind blowing, snowing, miserable.  He said he passed by a couple bodies and has decided it’s time to...
Phone call from Camp 2, leaving for Camp 3

Phone call from Camp 2, leaving for Camp 3

Bill called tonight at 7 PM from Camp 2 as he was about to leave for Camp 3. It will probably take him 6 hours or so to get to Camp 3 and will call me again from there. He is not going to actually sleep at Camp 3 as weather is coming in and he wants to get ahead of...
Advanced Base Camp Audio

Advanced Base Camp Audio

(Multiple gaps in audio…) From Bill’s wife Sharon-  “A lot of the audio that Bill sent was not clear. Bill and Mingma called me earlier tonight to get the weather report. At first he said his plan was to try for the summit on the 20th, but after...